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Lucknow hails as an upcoming metropolitan city and it showcases many of its splendors worldwide with its surprising charm all over. It was also addressed by a different caption 'The Nawab City', which means a city full of great people. One factor to be appreciated is the mannerism otherwise known as the tehzeeb. Chikan is considered the most delicate fabric decorating the cupboards with its neat handmade embroidery. Only few cities depict the charm of dupattas also called the covering shawl and Lucknow is one among them.

Bara Imambara

                                                                                                                       Bara Imambara-Luknow

Destination Facts:

Location: Uttar Pradesh, District Lucknow
Altitude: 128 Meters
Area: 310.1 Sq. Km.
Temperature: (summer 21 to 45°C) & (winter 5 to 32°C)
Languages spoken: Hindi, Urdu and English

Getting there:

Nearest Airports: Lucknow itself has an Airport
Main Railway Station: Lucknow itself has a railway station
Main Bus Station or Road: Lucknow is easily connected to all nearby cities by public transport buses.

Distance of a few Major Towns from Lucknow:

Kanpur-81km, Gomati Nagar-7km, Molhour-11km, Kakori-20km

Places of Tourist interest:

Bara Imambara:
Bara Imambara alias Asfai Imambara is an exciting combination of unfussiness of style, evenness and proportion. Built in the year 1784, Bara Imambara happens to be the most significant monument in the city. It was constructed by the fourth Nawab, Asaf-ud-Daula and the popular belief is that this colossal structure holds immense treasures inside it. It is also known as "Gravity Defying Palace'.

Chota Imambara:
This beautiful monument of the yesteryears holds an interesting story behind its glittering facades. While the great famine of the 19th century engulfed all the belongings of the lower strata in the society, the then Nawab of Oudh bespoke Chota Imambara under the Food for work program, which was a great respite to the poverty stricken people of that time.

Dilkusha Kothi:
Dilkusha Kothi on the riverbanks of Gomati shows unique architecture and exceptional structural designs. Dilkusha Kothi was later converted into a summer palace of the royal family.

  Dilkhusha Kothi

                                      Dilkhusha Kothi

Farangi Mahal:
Firangi Mahal served a lot in preserving the long tradition of the rich Islamic culture wide its well oriented curriculum and broad syllabus. In fact the heads of this great institution helped the Muslims of India to overcome the trauma of colonial exploration and to preserve their spiritually oriented lifestyle.

Sikander Bagh:
This beautiful garden is named after the lovely queen of last ruler of Oudh, Wajid Ali Shah. Sikander Bagh's rambling expanse of loans might have witnessed the lovely moments of the Nawab's with their families since it proffers a tranquil and serene ambiance. The garden has a pavilion in its middle where there occur outstanding performances of classical as well as folk artists.

  Sikandar Bagh

                                 Sikander Bagh-Lucknow

Getting around the destination:

The best way of transportation is by taxis, auto rickshaws, and cycle rickshaws.

Shopping Areas & Entertainment:

Handicraft products, and handloom is famous in Lucknow

Best time to visit :
October to March is the best time to visit the destination.


National Kite flying competition in October–November
Between 25th November and 5th December is a ten-day cultural festival.