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Ooty, short form for Ootacamund (an anglicized name for Udhagamandalam), is a popular hill resort in the state of Tamil Nadu in Southern India a municipality and the district capital of the Nilgiris district. It is one of the best tourist destinations and is also called "Blue Mountains" and is also the Queen of hill stations. This picturesque hill station is situated at the crossroads of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka and is blessed with nature's generosity. It has luxuriant hills, lush green valleys, a dense flora and fauna and untouched natural beauty attracting tourists throughout the year. It is famous for its numerous tea estates. A tour to Ooty during the Tea festival makes the excursion more worthwhile, as tea lovers from various parts gather here to celebrate and enjoy this festival. Tea and Tourism Festival is celebrated every year and is jointly organized by the Government of India, Department of Tourism, Government of Tamil Nadu and Ministry of Tourism. During this festival many cultural programmes' and visits to tea estates and factories are held.




Destination Facts:

Location: Tamil Nadu , District The Nilgirs.
Altitude : 2,240 meter (7,350 ft).
Area: 36 sq km
Temperature: (Summer 12 to 29°C) & (Winter -5 to 24°C)
Languages spoken: Tamil, Kannada, English and Hindi.

Getting there:

Nearest Airports: Coimbatore airport is the nearest airport and is around 105 km from Ooty.
Main Railway Station: Mettupalayam, which is 47 km away from Ooty, is the nearest major railway station
Main Bus Station or Road Direct: Ooty is well connected with all most all south Indian cities by bus.

Distance of a few Major Towns from Ooty:

Coonoor-18km, Mudumalai-46km, Coimbatore-72km, Wayanad-134km.

Eating Around:

Indian, Western, Italian, Chinese

Places of Tourist interest:

Doddabetta Peak:
Doddabetta hill is the highest peak of the Nilgiri mountain ranges. The name of the peak is in the local vernacular in which Dodda means big and Betta means mountain. A telescope house is situated at the top to help you get a better view of the surrounding topography. The view one gets of the Ooty town and the entire Nilgiri hill ranges is breathtaking and will remain etched in the memory of a traveler.

Glen Morgen:
Located at a distance of 17 km from Ooty, Glen Morgen is a paradise for nature lovers. Glen Morgen is a dense forest and houses some of the finest specimens of trees. It is a must visit place to witness the splurge of nature in Ooty.

Ooty Boat House Lake:
Built by the man who developed the hill station of Ooty, John Sullivan, and this Lake is a tourist hotspot of the hill station. Spread over an area of 2.75 km, the Lake offers a visitor a boat ride of his choice. One can take a paddle boat, a rowing boat or even a boat being rowed by the local people of the town. In the summer months one can also witness contests like boat pageants and races.

Ooty Botanical Garden:
Merely 2 km from the main town, the botanical garden is the crowning jewel of Ooty. This is the most visited tourist spot of the hill station and is one of its kinds in entire India. The botanical garden can boast of about 650 species of trees and plants. The rare specimens of flowers and lush green lawns and fountains would bewitch anyone by their beauty. In the month of May, the park happens to be the venue of the annual summer festival where one can view the much awaited flower show.

Ooty Botanical Garden

                                       Ooty Botanical Garden

Children's Park:
The children's park of Ooty is a pleasurable place for kids with numerous swings which are present here. Just adjacent to Ooty Boat House Lake, the park is filled with kids and their parents throughout. The well trimmed lawns and flower beds of the park, along with the backdrop of the Lake add beauty to this Children's park.

Getting around the destination:

Continues Bus, Minibus, facility is provided to get around the destination in Ooty

Shopping Areas & Entertainment:

Green Tea, Homemade Chocolate, Toda Jewellery, Genuine Leather Items, Woollen clothing, Natural Honey And Eucalyptus Oil

Best time to visit:

October to June is the best time to visit.


The annual "Tea and Tourism Festival" celebrated in the month of January is a draw for tourists.
The Summer Festival held in May at the Botanical Garden attracts a large number of tourists. One of the main highlights of the festival is the flower show. A number of cultural programmes, are organized on the sidelines of the festival.

The Botanical Garden is also the location for an annual seasonal festival, which showcases the variety in fruits and vegetables.

Boat Races and Boat Pageantry are other added tourist attractions in the month of May. Many attend this annual water sports competition.