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Lavasa is among the first planned hill city and is set in the Sahyadri mountains, located in the Pune district of Maharashtra. It is located behind the Dam of Varasgaon, near Pune and Mumbai and is situated on the banks of Baji Pasalkar. Lavasa is popular because of the mountains and valleys that surround the region. It is because of the location of this place, people find opportunities for adventurous activities like mountain climbing, hiking and trekking. Lavasa is set on the seven hills of Maharashtra in the Mose valley. The city was planned and built as per the principles of ecological, sustainable environment and urbanization.


Photo Credit: Cryongen


Destination Facts:

Location: Maharashtra, District Pune
Altitude: 640.00 Meters
Area: 39 sq mi
Temperature: (Summer 36°C) & (Winter 6 °C)
Languages Spoken: Marathi,English & Hindi

Getting There:

Nearest Airports: Pune is the nearest airport 49km from lavasa.
Main Railway Station: Pune railway station 37km from lavasa.
Main Bus Station or Road: The Watunde Bus Stand of Lavasa is located at a distance of around 20 km from the city centre and can be reached by taking a bus or an auto-rickshaw.

Distance of a few Major Towns from Lavasa :
Pune – 65km, Mumbai- 186km.

Eating Around:
European Style Food, Indian, Chaat, Italian, Mexican.

Places of Tourist Interest:

Varasgaon Dam:
It is the chief attraction in the region which is situated on the banks of the Mose River. The Mose River is the main source of water to the entire city of Pune. This river is also suitable for various water sports. The Varasgaon Dam is also known as the Veer Pasalkar Dam. The dam is a popular picnic spot along with the nearby Panshet Dam.

Getting around the Destination:
Bus, Rickshaw, and Taxi facilities are provided to get around the destination in Lavasa. One can take their private vehicle to go around.

Shopping Areas & Entertainment:
Souvenir Shopping.

Best time to Visit:
Monsoon is the best time to visit Lavasa.

Christmas, and New Year Celebrations take place. Diwali Mela is held. But the most important feature is the Car Rally Held in February.

Additional Things to do in Lavasa:
Lakeshore Water sport, Adventure Sports, Nature Trails, Game Arcade are some of the activities one can enoy in Lavasa.