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Bheemeshwari, which is located about 100 km away from Bangalore in the district of Mandya, is fast becoming a major tourist attraction. It is situated between Barachukki and Gaganachukki and Mekedatu falls. This is a perfect place for the nature lover. There is abundant natural scenery in this place together with ample fishing facilities. In fact, the place is known as the fishing destination of the region. Tourists can see a large variety of animals in this region including leopards, jackals, crocodiles, deer, wild boars and plenty of exotic birds. It makes for an excellent trekking spot. This is also home to the famous gaming fish - The Mahseer. This is the perfect place if you want to enjoy the beauty of nature.



Destination facts:

Location: Karnataka , District Mandya
Altitude: 800-1200m
Climate: (summer 22 to 40°C) (winter 10 to 32°C)
Language: Kannada

How to Reach:

By Airport: Bangalore is the nearest airport
By Rail Station: Bangalore is the nearest railway station
By Road: Local transportation is there to roam in Bhimeshwari

Distance from the major cities/towns from Bheemeshwari:

Harihara - 21km,Ramnagaram - 53, Mysore - 85km, Bangalore - 100km is the nearby cities.

Places of Tourist Interest:

Boat Rides:
Tourists can enjoy coracle boat rides while they are on the beautiful land of Bheemeshwari. There are many tour operators which organize boat rides as part of the package tour to the place. The waters of the Cauvery are perfect for the tourists to go on boat rides. The river flows through the green forests and a ride through the river would acquaint the tourists with the rich and diverse vegetation of the area. They can also sight different animals and birds in the forests while they are cruising through the river. This is one of the best things to do while on an excursion to this perfect tourist spot.

Cauvery Fishing Camp:
The place, set amidst lush green forests and hills is the perfect place to rejuvenate you. This is a beautiful and peaceful spot and is the camp is an excellent place for the tourists to stay when they come to Bheemeshwari.

Doddamakkali Nature Camp:
This is an isolated place tucked away 7 km away from Bheemeshwari. Tourists can trek up to this place and spend a quiet day before returning to the town. The Cauvery River flowing through the region comes here and collects into a pool. Since there is no current the pool is ideal for water sports. There are 6 tents which are located around the place and this is perfect to spend some time in isolation. This is one place which must be visited while touring Bheemeshwari. Tourists can explore the unexploited beauty of the region and return feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Kokrebellur Pelicanry:
This small little village in Bheemeshwari is famous for being home to many colourful birds. While touring Bheemeshwari it is highly recommended that tourists visit this place. They can sight not only the local birds but also some migratory birds. These birds flock to this place in large numbers especially in the winters. Tourists can expect to have a wonderful time here. There is a wide variety of birds that they can sight here ranging from Painted Storks to Pelicans. All the birds seem to favour this place! This place in Karnataka is ideal for bird watchers and tourists spend hours spotting different exotic birds.

This place in Bheemeshwari has some of the most majestic landscapes and beautiful natural surroundings. It is located far from the hustle and bustle of the city and makes for a relaxing holiday gateway. The tourists can come here to witness the majestic Cauvery gushing through a narrow gorge before flowing through the southern edge. This is an amazing sight to behold and should not be missed.

It is a beautiful sight and tourists must visit this place when they are on a tour to the place. This is a popular picnic spot in Bheemeshwari. Both locals and tourists love to visit this wonderful place.

Getting Around:

Public transport is hardly available in Bheemeshwari.

Best Time to Visit: 

August to February is the best time to visit this destination.


Holi, Dussehra and Diwali are the three main festivals in Bheemeshwari that are celebrated with great fanfare and gusto.